As a mature dancer, I examine the very personal issues of my own physicality and ageing. The confrontation of my bodily reflection serves as a reminder that physically I am no longer the preferred younger dancer but own an alternative other body. Aesthetically, this is a challenge to display through film what Nananko Nakajima describes as dancing beauty can be old.
Capturing these dance moments through digital camera SLR, the investigation exhibits the kinesiology of the mature dancer in motion. It is an opportunity to angle the lens, directing the gaze to observe an aesthetically different body through film, a singular perspective highlighting the physical variance of myself as an older experienced performer. Laurence Louppe discusses the dancer's body as corporeal architecture forming and transforming the space. Through this interdisciplinary residency, I was fortunate to collaborate with artist Fabiola Carranza, who provided the in-depth imagery, adding greater intimacy to the missing corporeal landscape.
The soundtrack for utterly (in)appropriate was composed by Ólafur Arnalds and reproduced with his kind permission.
Loftið Verður Skyndilega Kalt (The Air Suddenly Goes Cold)
Written and performed by Ólafur Arnalds
Published by Kobalt Music Publishing
Courtesy Of Erased Tapes Records erasedtapes.com